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Colocando caixas de textos flutuantes em ebooks

Informações flutuantes as vezes são necessários porque se encaixam em uma função diferente das notas de rodapé e notas de fim de texto. Existe uma maneira de trazê-las para o livro digital, ainda não funciona muit bem no Kindle, espero que leitor se adeque num futuro próximo as variações de estilo.

Código o CSS:
span.floatright, span.floatleft {
font-size: 75%;
font-weight: bold;
padding-bottom: 15px;
padding-top: 15px;
padding-left: 15px;
padding-right: 0px;
width: 25%;
float: right;
text-indent: 0;

Código para a caixa no ebook
 <p><span class="floatleft">Under perfectly stationary conditions the stock of non-permanent resources would be identical with the stock of produced means of production.</span> As has already been remarked, most non-permanent resources owe their existence to the fact that they make investment possible without a temporary reduction in the income stream. All or nearly all the man-made equipment is non-permanent, and the greater part, although by no means all, of the non-permanent resources existing at any moment consists of man-made equipment. This brings us back to the relation of my definition of capital as the “stock of non-permanent resources” to the traditional one of the “produced means of production”.</p>

Modelo com caixas flutuantes

Créditos: MobileRead

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